Monday, November 20, 2006

The beginning of weaning

Bryan tried the EyeQ Gain formula today. At first sip, he made vomit face, but after that he accepted the taste and finished the 2 out of 3 Oz that mom prepared for him. Mom gave him another 3 Oz one hour later.

My frens at work was teasing me that if Bryan don't accept formula, then i will have to bf till he is 5.

I will soon be able to reduce my daily pumping session to just 1, but i will continue to direct bf Bryan whenever he's with me, ie nights and weekend.

But I am still a little bit sad. This would mean that our bfg relationship is slowly coming to end. Not that i want to wean now, but it marks the beginning....


Anonymous said...

aww... so sad hor? I also thought of letting Darrius try the formula milk soon...

IMMomsDaughter said...

Beginning of trying for the next one ah? ;)

peiszong said...

Night & weekend until 2 years old?