1) No work...yippee
2) Get to spend the whole day with Bryan
3) Get to cook for Bryan
I really enjoy preparing Bryan's meals. Afterall, i only get to do it twice a week - Saturday & Sunday. Yeah..it takes a lot of time but at least i know he is getting good stuff.

Mommy's cooking is full of goodness & full of love!!
I will normally cook his porridge using meat based soup with different types of vegetables (brocolli, spinach, carrot, corn, potato, etc) .

So far i have tried pork and beef. I find the beef porridge really yummy. I used to puree his porridge in a blender but have stopped doing that when he is ~ 7.5 month old....so that he learns to chew. So, what i will do is to chop all the vege till really fine. Still trying to get my mom to do the same. Well she says that Bryan choke or i think he feign choking when my mom tried to feed him chopped vegetable...but i have almost no problem feeding him.
For me, meal times shd be fun time. If he wants to feed himself...go ahead.

Anyway, i always prepare an extra spoon in case he grabbed mine.
And Bryan loves to drink from his cup...pretend to be adult, like us...so cute.

But comparatively between my mom & I, Bryan seems to be more cooperative with me feeding him. Maybe it's because i let him have fun with his meals, not to say that my mom is not. But i more cincai kua.
But if he starts fussing or crying, i will stop feeding him.

Yeah...more fun normally means more mess, more clean ups. But then again, the smile on his face is worth all the trouble....

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