Chinese ah-pek hairstyle at birth

Koala hairstyle at 3 mth. Can see the 2 spot of hair by the side of his head, above the ear?
The first thing Dr Sim (his current pediatrician) say to me when I took
But, I never never worry about his physical appearance, especially not his hair. I don’t expect a perfect child; I just want him to be healthy and happy.
Then, it was lau-beh China-boy style….And coincidentally, it was Chinese New Year

Can spot the Chinese New Year cartoon boy hairstyle at the side?
Finally, now, his hair has finally even out.But one thing remained …until now, people still say he has Kor Lo…err direct translation to English…Auntie Road??

Basically, it means that he will get along well with his Kor-Kor (LK’s sister).
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