Thursday, November 02, 2006

Bryan is 1 year old

Happy Birthday to Bryan
Happy Birthday to Bryan
Happy Birthday to Bryan
Happy Birthday to Bryan darling is officially ONE! That means i have met my stretch goal of breastfeeding till he is one!! YooHooo!!

Interesting/ New achievements this month:-
  1. Expert at operating the tv and fan remote control.
    • That’s the only 2 remote we let him play with. When he is at his bedroom, and the fan is off, he will point to the fan *eh*eh* and then search for the remote to turn it on. He will press press all the different buttons on the remote until the fan turns on. And when he press the button, got style some more one leh…he’ll point the remote to the fan.
    • If he got hold of the tv remote, he’ll be pointing to the tv and press the different buttons to change the channel
  2. When my parents came to our house, he’ll show around the house.
    • Show them his toys
    • Show them where the pet tortoise is
    • One of the tortoises escaped and my mom asked aloud, “Eh, now got only one tortoise hor”. Then Bryan actually showed her where the tortoise was hiding – at the opposite corner of balcony
  1. If we ask him “Where is Bryan?”, he’ll point to his photo in the living room, before patting his own chest.
  2. Learnt the magic of the pointy index finger. He has learnt that pointing his index finger helps get him what he want – whether it is a toy or for us to carry us to where he wants.
  3. Recognizes the items in the house, and where they are, fishes in the aquarium, tortoise, tv, fan.
  4. Crawl on four at “running” speed. He’s really quite an expert at crawling now. Will take a photo and upload later.
  5. Can recognize places. When I send him to my mother’s house each morning, immediately when we arrive, he’ll stretch out from his car seat to look out the window to search for my parents.
  6. Can recognize when it is time to get out from daddy’s car. He can recognize the sound of the reverse sensor (during parking). So immediately when the sensor stops sounding, and he hears the sound of the hand brake, he’ll hold his hands out for us to take him out from the car.

So how did we celebrate his first birthday? Nothing really special as it was a working day and neither hubby nor I took the day off.

We just went for dinner with my parents and sister at the Shanghai Ding Tai Feng restaurant that is near our workplace & house. As usual, Bryan can’t have anything on the menu, so I brought different types of biscuits for him. Most of the biscuits ended on the floor, so it was a real mess. I jokingly told Bryan, that the next time they see him, they’ll probably take out the “CLOSE” sign.

1 comment:

IMMomsDaughter said...

Happy Belated 1st Birthday to Bryan. So sorry this aunty is late as there's no update on your link :P